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This short film about self love by Hannah Grace animates a feeling of unworthiness that many of us have had at some point or another - or maybe most of the time - but we don't admit it to anyone. This simple and beautiful movie shows how destructive negative messages may become. We can absorb so many unhealthy messages from childhood that end up being reinforced by social media and more. Soon we a... posted on Nov 10 2023, 2,340 reads


The Edge of the Sacred
"The idea of sacredness tends to come up often in my work. What anoints something as sacred? Its a question I often receive as a Din poet talking to audiences across the country. But its a subject I feel I cant talk to, because that kind of esoteric knowledge is unreachable. Not in the sense that I cant learn it, because I can. Its unreachable in the sense that perhaps I am not ready to learn it, ... posted on Nov 09 2023, 1,470 reads


Cooking Up Connection
"Neighborly get-togethers have seen a steady drop since 1940. But rates of socializing outside the home have risen. We're now more likely to meet friends at a softball game or a bar than to invite them over for dinner or a barbecue. The "why" behind these trends is less clear, but the reality is stark: we are living in a cultural moment where there is a growing bifurcation between our private home... posted on Nov 08 2023, 2,953 reads


Anna Badkhen traces markers left in the Earth from the near and distant past, unspooling the narratives that thread through the imprints we leave on the planet, and what they foretell for the future.
... posted on Nov 07 2023, 1,749 reads


The Practice Before the Practice
"From the moment we open our eyes, we are meaning-seeking creatures, looking for what matters though we carry what matters deep within us. And more than the hard-earned understandings we arrive at, more than the principles or beliefs we stitch together out of our experience, how we stay in relationship to the mysterious Whole of Life is what brings us alive and keeps us alive. Everyone knows first... posted on Nov 06 2023, 1,902 reads


"When my father died, I began making weekly visits to a public grief house. I mean greenhouse. For seven Mondays, I rode the streetcar across town to warm myself in a glass building full of plants. No one had warned me that hard-hitting losses sometimes take the form of ordinary problems such as temperature-related discomfort. I had not seen this play out in stories, so I was not prepared for the ... posted on Nov 05 2023, 2,550 reads


Passing Through the Storm
"What does it mean to be a person? Inevitably we think of people as individuals. A Google search supported by an experimental generative AI defines personhood as a state of being characterized by properties including intelligence, the capacity to speak a language, creativity, the ability to make moral judgments, consciousness, a soul, self-awareness. A person, Googles A.I. informed me, is also det... posted on Nov 04 2023, 1,990 reads


The End is an Illusion
The uplifting words and music of Jont are accompanied by a heart warming video display of loving connections, providing a healing combination of "medicine the world needs right now." With the focus on a sense of belonging and living fully, it is a joyous reminder that "connecting to the love will keep us safe and we will be just fine. We will be just fine."... posted on Nov 03 2023, 2,387 reads


Beware the Fairy Host
"In Ireland, Halloween (Samhain) is a major temporal hingewhen the year turns from light to dark, and the boundary between the living and dead, the fantastic and the mundane, grows gossamer thin. Orion's science editor, Natalie Middleton, caught up with Jonny Dillon, archivist of the National Folklore Collection at the University College of Dublin to find out what fairies can teach us about naviga... posted on Nov 02 2023, 1,903 reads


Carol Sanford: Indirect Work
Building on over four decades of her research and experience, author Carol Sanford's latest book, "Indirect Work," explores how a deep understanding of living systems can translate into "a practical human technology for daily life at home and work. Through foundational wisdom and exercises for self-discovery, this guide will illuminate your understanding of the unlimited power of regenerative chan... posted on Nov 01 2023, 1,577 reads


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They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.
Hindu Proverb

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